

The four best ways to eat shiitake mushrooms, which nourish the spleen, stomach, and skin, are known as folk "longevity dishes"

After the grain rain, spring gradually fades away and summer slowly approaches. Various seasonal vegetables are starting to come on the market in large quantities. However, there is a vegetable that can be eaten not only in spring and summer, but also in autumn and winter, with a delicious taste and a fragrant aroma.

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Yuan'an, Hubei: "Small Mushrooms" Supporting Rural Revitalization and "Getting Rich Umbrella"

Yichang, China News Agency (March 7) (Dong Xiaobin, Wang Dan, Zhu Lijun) "Yuan'an shiitake mushrooms are of excellent quality and delicious taste. You can try them." At home in Hekou Village, Hekou Township, Yuan'an County, Hubei Province, a 60-year-old mushroom farmer named Xiang Xingping held a bag of dried shiitake mushrooms and "brought them" on an online live streaming platform. Over 40 customers placed orders for a two hour live broadcast.

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